Bluehost Wordpress Hosting User Rating

After an extensive review of many hosting providers, I decided to go with Bluehost. Prior to my selection, I've read somewhere that these companies pay for better ratings. I was alittle skeptical at first about going with BlueHost, but in the end, I couldn't be more satisfied. I've been with BlueHost for about a year now and so far, I've not experienced any downtime. As stated, they must be up 99% of the time because I haven't experienced any problems. The software that comes with BlueHost is a decent selection, pretty much all most people need outside of specialized programs. All in all, I am very pleased with the quality of both service and cost effectiveness of BlueHost. If you are considering a paid hosting service, I would recommend BlueHost without hesitation. In the beginning, I did contact them via email for some trouble shooting problems and they did get back to me within 24 hours. To me, that seems really fair. I hope this helps.

Santa Clara, CA

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